Referral programme
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Refer a Friend and get 500 USD reward
Send invitation to your friend and he will get also 500 USD bonus to his first order. This bonus is equal to 1% of order of referred user up to 500 USD per User. In total you both split 2% bonus between each other.
How referral programme works?
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1 - Reffer friend
Reffer friend either by referral link or by referral code. Referral link you will find in the desktop or android or apple application after you register to your account
2 - Help friends with onboarding
In referral page in oyur Dektop, Android or Apple mobile app you will see all referred users if they have clicked at your link or if they have made an order
3 - Receive reward
For Every referred user you are collecting Karma and for every order that your referred friend makes within 30 days you will get reward up to 500 USD (1% of their order). Your friends will get the same reward as well.
4 - Cash out or use for free crypto miner
You can cash out your reward on Bank account or withdraw in for of crypto currency such sa KASPA coin or Bitcoin. You can also use reward to buy new miner for free or to mine for free.